



It is linked to the care of the supporting tissues of the tooth: the bone that surrounds the roots, the ligament that holds the tooth within the bone, and the gums.

How do you know if you need Periodontics treatment?

  • Your gums bleed when brushing or spontaneously.

  • You feel a bad taste in your mouth spontaneously or when sucking..

  • You see stains and tartar attached to your teeth.

  • You have bad breath.

  • You are pregnant: whether you have symptoms or not, you should go to a consultation to check your gums.

  • You take medication to prevent seizures.

  • You notice that your teeth look smaller, like covered with gums, maybe you used orthodontics and at the end of your treatment, this happened.

  • You feel that some of your teeth move when you touch or push them with your tongue.

  • Your teeth look longer and farther apart.


What are the benefits you can expect from having Periodontics treatment?

  • Healthy gums that help to have a pleasant smile.

  • Improved mouth breath.

  • Long-term tooth preservation.

  • Decreased oral microbial load, which contributes to better general health.

What types of Periodontics treatments do we offer you at Beyond Dental Aesthetics?

  • Routine cleaning every six months or a year, depending on the case.

  • Scaling and smoothing of the roots with or without surgery.

  • Coronal (dental) elongation: when the gum is covering part of one or several teeth.

  • Gingivoplasty: when it is necessary to create a more aesthetic contour in the gums.