
Maxillofacial Surgery / Facial Harmonization


Maxillofacial Surgery

They are specialties that are linked to the correction of problems of teeth, bones, joints, muscles or ligaments through mostly surgical procedures.

How to know if you need an Oral or Maxillofacial Surgery treatment?

  • You have wisdom teeth (third molars or wisdom teeth) and they cause you discomfort.

  • You must have one or more teeth extracted for orthodontic purposes.

  • You need surgery before or after getting orthodontic treatment.

  • You had an accident with fractures in the face and mouth.

  • You noticed an injury in your mouth: a wound that does not heal, a lump or elevation.

  • You need implants for a rehabilitation with dental prostheses.

  • You have very damaged teeth in your mouth of which only the root and/or very little crown remains and there is no possibility of making a prosthesis on them.


What are the benefits you can expect from undergoing Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery treatment?

  • Correct fractures.

  • Remove teeth that are causing infection and pain.

  • Improve facial profile.

  • Eliminate soft tissue injuries and analyze them in the laboratory.

  • Obtain the space that is required in some orthodontic cases.

What types of Oral and Maxillofacial Dental Surgery treatments do we offer you at Beyond Dental Aesthetics?

  • Wisdom surgery.

  • Surgery to remove impacted teeth.

  • Implant placement surgery.

  • Orthognathic surgery.

  • Surgery to remove soft tissue injuries.

Facial Harmonization

It comprises a set of techniques and procedures to achieve balance in facial structures and rejuvenation, integrated with dental aesthetics to achieve natural and flattering results.

How to know if you need a Facial Harmonization treatment?

  • You have loss/changes in facial contour.

  • Very marked expression lines.

  • Loss of volume in the lips.

  • You want to improve the shape of your nose without surgery.


What are the benefits you can expect from having a Facial Harmonization treatment?

  • Fresh and youthful appearance.

  • Natural beauty.

  • Fast recovery.

What types of Facial Harmonization treatments do we offer you at Beyond Dental Aesthetics?

Some of them are:

  • Biological fillers: Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen.

  • Botulinum toxin application.

  • Tensioning wires.

  • Calcium hydroxyapatite to improve and enhance the facial contour.

  • Microdermabrasion.